Legal and Management Area

Legal and Management Area

  • The Hague Apostille and legalization of documents before the different governmental agencies, public bodies and consulates.
  • Execution and recording of documents with the public registries.
  • Obtaining excerpts and certificates from any registry or governmental body.
  • Processing of corporate advertisements in the Official Gazette of the Mercantile Registry (Boletín Oficial del Registro Mercantil) and national press.
  • Corporate update of companies: update of books and accounts.
  • Legal translations and interpretations, both regular and certified, in many languages.
  • Audio and video transcriptions in different media and editable formats (legal and court specialties).
  • Visas and residence permits for «golden visa» investments.
  • Legal secretary for companies, update and management of the books.
  • Establishment of your registered office (both tax and corporate) in our Madrid and Barcelona offices; correspondence management and submission thereof via email.
  • Obtaining the foreign identity number (número de identificación de extranjero, NIE) in an agile and efficient way.
  • Sale of shelf companies dully registered in the Mercantile Registry (both private limited companies and public limited companies) in less than 24 hours.
  • Administration services, rendering services of sole administrator, joint and several administrator, joint administrator or member of the board of directors.

Tax and Accounting area

Tax and Accounting area

  • Drafting and filing of the relevant tax return with the tax authorities (VAT, PIT, CT, nonresident tax, etc.).
  • Withholdings and payments on account on income stemming from lease or sublease of urban real estate assets.
  • Intrastat statements.
  • Drafting and filing of tax statements regarding assets, goods and entitlements that are located out of Spain.
  • Drafting and filing of the Statistical Form of International Transactions (ETE).
  • Assistance in relations with the tax authorities and their officers in the Areas of Management, Inspection and Collection.
  • Compliance of tax duties regarding entities applying special regimes of the Corporate Income Act (entities devoted to housing lease, tax consolidation, mergers, spinoffs, asset contribution, securities exchange, change of registered office, small companies and entities for the holding of foreign securities).
  • Assistance in the process of acquisition of real estate./span>
  • Obtaining excerpts and certificates from any registry or governmental body.
  • Accounting services for resident entities, nonresident entities and individuals (both entrepreneurs and professionals).
  • Obtaining electronic certificates for companies and individuals.
  • Monitoring the Enabled email inbox (dirección electrónica habilitada, DEH).
  • Accountancy of entities applying special regimes of the Corporate Income Act (entities devoted to housing lease, tax consolidation, mergers, spinoffs, asset contribution, securities exchange, change of registered office, small companies and entities for the holding of foreign securities).
  • Drafting and presentation of statements and liquidation of all the modalities of the stamp duty.
  • Tax due diligence: assistance in processes of acquisition of shares or acquisition of assets.

Labor area

Labor area

  • Administrative paperwork for the start of new workers, communication with Social Security, Employment Service of the State and other governmental agencies.
  • Drafting of contracts and amendments, including special clauses, such as trial periods, confidentiality and data protection.
  • Termination of employment contracts: termination within the trial period, voluntary termination, dismissal (whether objective or disciplinary). Advice on the best kind of dismissal, calculation of the indemnification and management of the procedure.
  • Cost calculation and annual budget.
  • Drafting of employment contracts for the senior leadership.
  • Management of the monthly social insurance.
  • Sanctions: suitability of the potential sanction to the behavior of the employee and communication to the employee.
  • Management of monthly salaries, extra pay, variable payments.
  • Appeals before governmental agencies.
  • Preparation, attendance and advice before work inspections.
  • Preparation and attendance to pretrial settlement hearings.
  • Filing of work accident reports through the Delt@ System and filling temporary disability reports through the Red System.
  • Processing of files to defer payments to the Social Security.
  • Filing of forms 111 and 190 in collaboration with tax and accountancy area.
  • Advice on and execution of processes to select employees.
  • Advice and negotiation with trade unions in the application of collective bargaining agreements.
  • Collective bargaining in relation to employment conditions.
  • Assistance with redundancy agreements.
  • Advice on review and implementation of company policies.

Our divisions

Our offices


Avenida Doctor Arce 14
28002 – Madrid
T: 916 754 717
M: 670 028 717
F: 901 706 862


C/ Berna, 2 “Edificio Bulevar”
45003 – Toledo
T: 925 910 101
M: 639 100 161
F: 901 706 862

País Vasco

C/ Zuberoa, 7-1
20302 – Irún, Guipúzcoa
M: 663 348 396
F: 901 706 862


C/ Alameda Principal, 33
29001 – Málaga
M: 665 943 393
F: 901 706 862


C/ Rosello 258, ppal.
1ª planta 08037 – Barcelona
T: 938 950 165
M: 670 028 717

Palma de Mallorca

C/ Rubén Darío, 14
07012 – Islas Baleares
M: 658 502 937
F: 901 706 862


WeWork Pioneer Park. No. 696 WeiHai Road. JingAn District, Shanghai, China. T: +86 10 56098699